Foods that nourish the brain Increase efficiency, enhance memory

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Foods that nourish the brain Increase efficiency, enhance memory.

The brain is the part that we use heavily almost every day. Whether it’s work or study. If one day our brain becomes abnormal It will definitely have a huge impact on our way of life. So why don’t we take care of and nourish our brains well all the time? Now that you know this, follow สมัคร ufabet to meet foods.

That nourish the brain. 

1. Egg

In every house there are always eggs. Because it is easy to buy and can cook a variety of dishes If you don’t know what to eat, eggs are often the first thing that comes to mind. It’s good to think like this. Because in eggs there is a substance called “choline” which helps in the development of brain function. So don’t forget to eat eggs, 2 eggs a day is good. But who has a problem with cholesterol? You may need to reduce the egg yolk a bit.

2. Fish

“Eat a lot of fish and you will be smart.” This saying that we have heard since childhood, let me tell you, it is true. We should eat deep-sea fish such as salmon, tuna, and mackerel at least 2-3 times a week because deep-sea fish contain fatty acids and omega-3, which help nourish brain cells and strengthen nerve cell walls in the brain. we keep strong There are many different types of fish. Don’t eat just one type. This will prevent toxins that may be in the fish.

3. Nuts

Nuts, many people’s favorite snacks, such as almonds, hazelnuts, or peanuts that we are all familiar with. Who doesn’t like to eat? Try turning to eat. Because nuts have good fats, lots of protein, high fiber, and also vitamin E, which helps with thinking processes, memory, and vitamin B1. that helps nourish the brain Makes our brain strong. Knowing this, you can’t try.

4. Berries

Eating berries, whether it’s strawberries, blueberries, cherries, in addition to making us refreshed. It also helps strengthen our brain health to have an IQ level. and the thought process improves Along with helping the circulatory system of blood to raise the brain well. and balance blood pressure Eating it as a snack during the day isn’t bad. 

5. Chocolate

Just saying the name makes me want to eat it. Who knew that in the chocolate that we often eat? In addition to deliciousness Also has antioxidants. Makes the blood circulation system better It also helps to increase the efficiency of the brain to work better as well. I know I want to go out and buy it now. But don’t eat too much, just eat in moderation as it’s also high in calories. Gonna get fat It’s even better if you choose dark chocolate with low sugar content.